Transformative agreements alter the business model at the basis of scholarly publishing. These agreements are negotiated among institutions (libraries, national and regional consortia) and publishers.
The transition is from a subscription-based model to one supporting open access publication, where publishers are corresponded a fair price for their services.
The transformative mechanism of these agreements is based on the fact that the expenditure normally sustained by institutions for subscriptions seems to be adequate to cover the costs of publication on open access for the overall scholarly production.
Transformative agreements aim at establishing universal open access to readers and authors, at the same time containing the increasing costs related to subscription-based scholarly journals.
Currently, the University of Trieste is participating in the following agreements, contracted nationally with publishers by CRUI CARE group:
There are limitations for some agreements, regarding the eligible journals, eligible articles, licenses applicable to the articles, the existence of a national limit on the number of OA articles to be published. For further details, please refer to the information page for individual agreements.