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Read and consult dissertations and theses written at the University of Trieste

Digital theses and dissertations

UNITesi (Digital repository of theses and dissertations) holds:

  • All Master’s degree dissertations in digital format, self-archived by graduates since March 2013
  • A digital version of most of the dissertations discussed prior to march 2013, comprising both master’s degrees and equivalent degrees of the pre-reform system, “Vecchio ordinamento” .
  • Most of the metadata (title, author, a.s.o.) of all theses and dissertations discussed at our University from 1990 to 2013.
If you are a student, faculty or member of technical-administrative staff at the University of Trieste, you may access the full-text digitised version, either within the campus area or remotely through EZproxy
Metadata for all theses and dissertations are openly available to anyone.

In case you need information about theses or dissertations whose digital version or metadata cannot be found in the archive, write an email to servizio tesi and enquire about the possibility of reading them in print.


PhD Theses in digital format:

OpenstarTS is the Institutional Repository of the University of Trieste. Its "PhD Theses" section holds:

  • A portion of 1994-2005 PhD Theses
  • All theses discussed from academic year 2006/7 to 2013/14
ArTS is the University of Trieste Research Repository. Its “PhD Theses” section holds:

  • Theses discussed since 2014/2015

The author of a PhD thesis may decide to impose an embargo on it, meaning that the thesis will not be accessible before a certain period has elapsed. The embargo period is specified in the 'Consultabilità' (availability) field of the bibliographic record.